Osteopathy is a gentle and effective form of manual therapy for treatment of a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions. Our treatment techniques are aimed at increasing joint range of motion, blood flow and improving strength to restore normal function and patterns of movement.
Common Conditions treated include:
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Sports Injuries, Shoulder Pain, Period Pain, Hip and Knee Pain.
Osteoapthy was first practiced in 1874 by Dr Andrew Taylor Still and has been practiced in Australia for over 100 years. Practitioners are university trained and government registered through the Osteopathy Board of Australia, which is a member of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). The peak body representing Osteopaths is Osteopathy Australia (OA). To find out more about Osteopathy, please refer to the "About Osteopathy" page on the Osteopathy Australia website.

Osteopaths are trained to assess headaches to help differentiate between the most common headaches which originate from muscle tension and joint strain and more serious headaches. Treatment is typically aimed at reducing mucle tension, improving joint mobility and blood flow in the neck, upper back (thoracic spine) and rib cage. Reducing your immediate pain as well as managing the frequency and severity of your headaches long term is the ultimate goal of your treatment.

Back & Neck Pain
Osteopathic treatment can help to reduce muscle tension, improve joint range of motion and mobility as well as improve local blood flow to assist the healing process. Treament is designed to reduce the irritation of spinal nerves, improving muscular strength and control and providing advice on how to avoid back pain in the future. Techniques include stretching, massage, joint manipulation, dry needling and home rehabilitation programs.

Sports Injuries
Osteopathy is a great way to treat sports injuries through a combination of improved joint range of motion, improved muscle function, rebahilitation programs and strategies to help prevent a recurrence in the future.

Period Pain
Osteopathy is a safe and gentle methid for managing period pain and dysfunction. The goal of treatment is to improve blood flow, reduce muscle tone (the uterus is composed of muscle tissue) and assessing associated low back and pelvic problems to reduce nerve sensitivity which can lead to more severe period pain. Headaches are commonly associated with period pain and osteopathy can help to address these problems.